
TGF Heart Journaling--week 12

Hi!  TGF Heart Journaling time again!  It's week 12, so finally at the half way mark.  This time the theme is to make a watercolor effect.  So I went with my kids' watercolors and my hubby's old watercolor pencils.

Yeah, it's Christmas again!  This penguin is also from Wild Rose Studios and is called Pickle.  He's cute!  So I tried to make a tree with the watercolors and did the background as well.  This is the reason why I don't draw and instead buy stamps.  Hehe.

I used watercolor pencils for Pickle and I like the way that came out.  Found the quote online after searching for a bit for something that would match my scene.  I didn't really know quite what I was going for, just that I wanted to use this stamp. 

Gee, the time goes by so quickly.  I hope I can finish another card before picking up the kids.  But stuff like chores and laundry get in the way.

Thanks for reading and have a great week!