
Sharing is Caring

Hi!  It's me again!  So I do still have 2 loads of laundry to fold and a stack of library books that I need to record for my son's reading log but I did make another card today and almost completed it by the time I went to pick up the kids.  Hehe.  I wanted to make a thank you card because my 2 boys recently received this huge bag full of Pokemon cards from my daughter's classmate who no longer wanted them.  My boys were so happy to say the least.  There must have been well over a few hundred cards!  It was so generous of him especially since we know it can be hard for kids to give things away even if they don't play with them any more.

So I found some inspiration over at TGF's Spy Day challenge.

I basically followed the layout and this is a different kind of card for me since it has so much going on in terms of patterned papers.  But I like how fun it looks.  I opted not to include the twine and bling just to keep it more kid friendly.  My older son picked the image because he thinks this Oliver is cute.

I colored TGF's Oliver from Just for You with pencils.  I showed it to my husband when he got home from work and he asked me why the boy has a huge bandage on his head!  It's a hat!  It doesn't look too bandage-y, does it?  I think it's still cute, especially his little wink.

Okay, I should try to clear off my desk of the books and maybe fold one load of laundry now.

Thanks for reading!