Hi! Just a quick post since it's getting late. I wanted to join in on TGF's Mystery Monday for the week and it's almost the deadline.
This is just the cover to the next book I'm planning to make. This is TGF's Annika, one of my first stamps and also one of my favorites. She is just so cute! Anyway, I plan to make this into a 6x6 scrapbook of the elementary school years. So each couple of pages will be dedicated to a specific grade so you can add that school year's picture and record some special memories.
Behind Annika is cork that I bought in a 12x12 size and die cut. It has a sticky back so that was convenient too. Just wanted to try that since I was at Ben Franklin today and at J's. Heehee. Two craft stores in a day but I still didn't get everything I wanted! J's was already sold out of TGF's Blush line. Insert sad face here. Oh well.
Off to bed for me. Thanks for reading!